In order to understand the CTPAT program, you must first determine if your company is eligible to join.
- If you are eligible to join, you must review the benefits of the program as well as the minimum security requirements in order to determine if the CTPAT program is meant for your company.
- If no, you must determine if you want to meet the minimum security requirements. This will enable you, as a supply chain business partner, to conduct business with a CTPAT member.
In order to help you determine if the CTPAT program is meant for your company, Norman Jaspan Associates, Inc. (NJA) has prepared the CTPAT documents (see below) for review that will enable you to make an informed decision.
Please contact NJA so that we can explain the program in greater detail and answer any questions that you may have. In addition, we will review the written procedures and processes that you have to implement, if they do not exist.
Learn More
CTPAT Overview
CTPAT Benefits
Additional CTPAT Benefits
Who Can Join CTPAT?
Industries of CTPAT Members
The Urgency to Join
How to Join CTPAT
CTPAT Certification
Container Seal Regulation